Sign up now for our free Webinar on “Stay or leave the Russian OTC & pharma market” regarding your OTC/Phyto or Rx products.
The establishment of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) has brought its share of changes, and opportunities. New regulations have come into force, which is redrawing the maps of drug regulation in the Central Asian region. But, what to do now with your Business Unit in Russia? Should you sell, licence or hold your existing business there?

GMP & Regulatory changes in the EAEU Region
Monday 7th of November at 14:00 (CET) for a short and informative EAEU Strategy and Regulatory Expert Webinar (30 mins + Q&A)
What will be covered?
- EAEU Pharma & OTC market development, latest updates
- Stay or leave the Russian market?
- Sell or hold existing products?
- Russia local partnerships
- How to update existing registrations to EAEU GMP
- Variations and other upcoming changes
- How to receive EAEU GMP and what are the challenges
This is the right webinar for you if you are…:
- Interested in registering EAEU GMP for your OTC, Phyto, Rx, MD
- Wanting to receive more expert insights about the opportunities in EAEU
- Understanding the segments with the biggest potential
- Mapping the registration process and differences between Russia and EAEU region
- Identified the best partner for your Russian MAs or products
How to participate?
Answer this e-mail ( with your name and company details. In return, we will send your personal link to the webinar.
Let us guide you through the EAEU region and learn how to develop a successful business there, join us live
on Mon 7th November, at 14:00 (CET) for this webinar!
Featured picture: Photo by Alexander Smagin on Unsplash