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Sci­en­tists at the Vec­tor State Research Cen­ter of Virol­ogy and Biotech­nol­ogy in Novosi­birsk (Siberia) have devel­oped a new test sys­tem to diag­nose car­diac and other acute cases. A drop of blood is only needed for the pro­ce­dure, reported regional news agency Novosi­birsk, cit­ing a state­ment by Alexan­der Sergeyev, the CEO of the government-owned sci­en­tific research cen­ter.

“We have come up with a method, in which alter­nat­ing elec­tri­cal fields enable the assess­ment of the vis­coelas­tic behav­ior of the blood cells, par­tic­u­larly ery­thro­cytes. The ery­thro­cytes act like a kind of ‘mir­ror’ reflect­ing man’s health, and are inter­linked with somatic dis­or­ders, such as car­dio­vas­cu­lar, liver, kid­ney and other dis­eases,” Mr. Sergeyev said.

He firmly believes that the new test sys­tem will help physi­cians diag­nose a case at a very early stage.



