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South Africa

Two giraffes in the Kruger National parc in South Africa

Featured image: Photo by Tobin Rogers on Unsplash

South Africa’s Self-Medication & Prescription Drugs market and insights you need to know

South Africa’s Self-Medication and Prescription Drugs market is experiencing restructuring and modernization, proving that it could evolve into a promising market. 

South Africa’s self-medication and Rx mar­ket reached a value of 3,8 US$ billion in 2020. The market should be worth US$ 6,2 billion at the ex-factory price in 2035. Aspen is the leading corporation with an 11.6% market share and Mylan’s Atroiza was the leader in the market amongst all South-African brands in 2018. 

The growth of the OTC and pharma market will be dri­ven by the government’s health­care reforms, which include improv­ing access to health­care ser­vices by expand­ing National Health Insur­ance (NHI) cov­er­age to the entire South-African pop­u­la­tion. The full implementation of universal healthcare coverage is expected by 2026 but will depend on political and economical factors

South Africa is also mod­ernising its reg­u­la­tory struc­ture to speed up drug approvals and increase for­eign invest­ment in the coun­try. Under the old reg­u­la­tory regime, drug approvals took a long time and the process was not trans­par­ent, and this led many Pharma multi-­na­tion­als to con­sider invest­ing in other mar­kets where there was greater clar­ity, more stream-­lined processes, and less risk.

We at Chameleon Pharma Consulting Group think South Africa has a sunny future, and there’s no doubt that TRIUMPH countries will invest in South Africa. Con­tact us to find your best-fit­ting part­ners. 

South Africa OTC and pharma market in 2035

USD 6,2 Billion

OTC and pharma market size, ex-factory


OTC and pharma market growth

South Africa in numbers

Total population


Population growth

Birth rate

Mortality rate

Life expectancy

Interested in this market?

We are ready to support you in Strategy, Marketing, Systematic International Company Partner Identification, Commercial Due Diligence, Business Development, Acquisition Search, Regulatory projects, and more in order to ensure your growth.

Our services


International Strategy & Analysis

Licensing and

International Business & Market Entry

Pharma Regulatory & Registration


Product Potential & Country Analysis

Pharma Executive

International Company Partner Identification

Market Reports and Analysis