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Czech Republic 

Charles Bridge in Prague

Featured image: Photo by Martin Krchnacek on Unsplash

Czech Republic: an attractive OTC and Pharma market in the heart of Europe

The Czech Republic is one of the most attractive OTC and Pharma markets in Central and Eastern Europe. Discover its potential in this article: 

With a 2019 market value of US $1,04 billion – expected to grow 5% per year and reach USD 2,43 billion in 2035, according to our estimation – the Czech Repub­lic’s OTC and pharma mar­ket is one of the most attrac­tive mar­kets in Cen­tral and East­ern Europe. The country’s high-quality infra­struc­ture, the avail­abil­ity of cost-effective skilled labor, and reg­u­la­tions in sync with the EU are the pri­mary expla­na­tions for the Czech self-medication and Rx industry’s growth. Generic medicines make up more than 30% of the total market share. Pro­jec­tions for growth in the eco­nomic, demo­graphic, health expen­di­ture and phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal mar­ket indi­ca­tors are very pos­i­tive for the Czech Repub­lic, mak­ing it a very promis­ing and sta­ble market.

Chameleon Pharma Consulting Group has devel­oped a sys­tem­atic part­ner search process that can iden­tify the most suit­able local part­ner for you in the Czech Republic in only 10-12 weeks. Simply contact us for more details!

Czech Republic OTC and pharma market in 2035

USD 2,43 Billion 

OTC and pharma market size, ex-factory


OTC and pharma market growth

Czech Republic in numbers

Total population


Population growth

Birth rate

Mortality rate

Life expectancy

Interested in this market ?

We are ready to support you in Strategy, Marketing, Systematic International Company Partner Identification, Commercial Due Diligence, Business Development, Acquisition Search, Regulatory projects, and more in order to ensure your growth.